95% Of Our Students Come To Us Making This ONE Mistake... See How This Tool Fixes It INSTANTLY
And Discover How To Shave 5-10 Strokes Off Your Scores... Without Ever Leaving Your Living Room!
It’s your first hole on a sunny morning at your favorite course.
You smash your drive straight down the fairway, get right on the green with your next two strokes, and then the nerves set in.
You proceed to botch what had been a promising hole by missing a 4 foot putt for par, killing your confidence before you even get to the second hole.
Hole after hole you strike the ball ok, but can't seem to make a putt to save your life.
As the saying goes..."You drive for show but you putt for dough!"
If you watch the PGA tour... the guy who always wins is the guy who makes the most 4-5 foot putts.
Every time.
And if you want to be "clutch" when it comes to nailing those 5-footers every time you step on the green... then pay close attention.
Would You Like To Be Deadly On The "Money" Putts?
The biggest difference between a scratch golfer and a 30 handicap golfer is close to 15 strokes in their putting alone...
Where a scratch golfer averages around 30 putts per round, a 30 handicap golfer will average close to 45 putts a round.
Want to quickly lower your scores and get closer to scratch golf?
How many putts do you average per round??
If you want to quickly lower your scores and get closer to scratch golf, you have to work on those 3-5 foot putts.
Even if you only work a few minutes each day on your putting for the next 30 days, you will reduce strokes on your next round.
That's the beauty of our brand-new Putting Training Aide...
Discover The Ultimate Tool For Mastering The Most Important Stroke In Golf...
Very quickly after starting to use the Excalibur, you will become a better putter. In fact, you will see positive results almost immediately.
Using this simple training tool again and again, you will put you on the road to becoming a GREAT Putter.
...and help you quickly reduce up to 5-10 strokes a round.
That's why Tim designed Excalibur...the Ultimate Indoor Putting Trainer to help you shed strokes.
Do you know realize how significant just 1 Degree of an open putter face on long putts translates into missed feet from the hole?
It could mean the difference of 10-to-15 feet!
Same thing on a closed putter face.
The longer the putt, the wider the spread if hit with an incorrect putter face.
If your putter face is even a 1/2 degree off from being square at impact, the golf ball will NOT make it all the way to the end of the stick...
If your putt slides left off the Excalibur, your putter face is probably closed...
If it goes right, the face is probably open.
Simple as that.
Plus with our exclusive mirror and alignment lines grooved into the face of the stick, you can make sure you are setting up square with every stroke...
For years and years, Tim has tested dozens if not hundreds of putting training aids, taking notes about what works and what didn't. That's how he created the most complete putting training aid on the market.
Check out the features and benefits of the new Excalibur Putting Trainer…
- It helps you check your path, face and speed which are the main checkpoints of putting
- Alignment aid lines to help you square the face of the putter and your path during the stroke
- Wider base than other putting tools for increased stability while putting
- You don't have to bend over to put the ball on Excalibur. You can rake it directly up with your putter and has turf to keep the ball in place
- Bigger mirrors so you can see your eyes over the ball and a mirror for the follow through to make sure the putter face is still square
- Markings on the mirror to measure your back stroke and follow through
- Lips on the mirror to make sure you don't hit down on the ball
- A level to make sure you are on a flat surface for setup either indoors or outdoors
- Storage and Protection bag included
If you start using this training tool, you WILL become a better putter.
If you keep using this training tool again and again, you will become a GREAT Putter.
Remember two things I continually "preach from the mountain top" about the game of golf:
1. Over 75% of scoring for all golfers occurs within 100 yards of the green (and on the green). Over 40% occurs on the green. Meaning, if you want to score well, you must have a good to great short game.
And my saying:
2. I have NEVER seen a good player who was a poor putter, and I have NEVER seen a bad player that was a good putter!
The Ultimate Tool For Making You Deadly On Those 3-5 Foot Money Putts...

Order Yours For Just $99 Today and Save $30
Regular Retail Price: $129