We've Run Out Of Space In Our Warehouse So...

For The Next 12-HOURS We Are Slashing The Price On Our Most Popular Training Aide... Plus Throwing In An Incredible Bonus!


Introducing the Single Plane Position Trainer...  


It's the first training aid of it's kind that instantly fixes your swing mechanics.

You're getting one of (if not THE) most innovative and EFFECTIVE training aids ever created... (Single Plane or elsewhere!)

You now can systematically "spot check" every position of your swing - including your hip rotation!

And because we've now added the patented GGA "Own Moe's Grip" to this training aid - every piece of your swing is in check...

This idiot-proof, time-tested tool gets you on plane and maximizing POWER in just a couple of minutes (literally!).

Finish watching the video on this page and you will discover EXACTLY why this tool is truly a GAME CHANGER.

With the Single Plane Position Trainer you go from "thinking and hoping" to knowing and feeling - truly owning your swing - instantly!

See, what we've created here has been honed over THOUSANDS of students and has every feature you need to perfect your Single Plane Swing already built in...

The GGA Single Plane Position Trainer:

  • Portable 2-piece design
  • Our Exclusive Single Plane Training Grip Pre-Installed
  • "Perfect Alignment" visual alignment system
  • Available in both left and right handed models

We wanted a bullet-proof way to give our students instant feedback on every swing position – An Easy Way To Match Moe

And because I KNOW this training aid works, I'm going to guarantee that it is going to work for YOU.

This amazing, Single-Plane-Perfected, unique to GGA, tool sells on our website now for $89.99…

But in true GGA fashion… I'm offering YOU, our loyal Single Plane Students and beloved followers in on a heckuva deal…

Order This Revolutionary Training Aid Now
and SAVE $20!

Now ONLY: $69.95
Regular Price: $89.99

You Save: $20

NOTE: We have limited quantity of these Single Plane Trainers, this sale will end when inventory runs out

Plus If You Take Action Today During This 24-Hour Promotion You Get Your Choice Of The Following DVDs For FREE!

That's right! Grab one of these advanced training DVD's worth $97 each... FREE with your purchase today ONLY!

Offer Ends In:


The Laws of Simplicity

Inside, we focus on creating more speed at impact—using the latest breakthroughs in body mechanics.



Moe Norman Clinic Series

For the first time ever, I’m combining this never-before-seen footage of Moe in action with the cutting edge physics and 3-D modeling work that distills Moe’s feelings into an actionable system of swing steps and body positions into one multi-DVD box set


Click the button above now AND get a healthy discount.

NOTE: This offer ends TODAY! Don't delay!

For any questions regarding the information above, don't hesitate to contact us!

Copyright 2019 Graves Golf Academy