"Meet Moe Norman, The Best Ball-Striker You've Never Heard Of...
...and Discover Why His 'Weird' Golf Swing is 10X Easier To Hit Straight Golf Shots Than A Conventional
Two Plane Golf Swing"
Could this mysterious “autistic” genius, with his “quirky” swing and “pipeline” drives, really have discovered the secrets to a better, simpler game of golf?
The answer, thankfully, is a resounding “Yes, he did!”
…and I’m going to show it to you in just moment.
But first, could you have a quick look at these facts, and tell me whether you can relate to any of this:
(And yet...)
So is it any wonder most golfers have this “love-hate relationship” with the game – one that haunts them for as long as they play?
Fortunately … it doesn’t have to be this way any longer!
From One Of The Strangest & Most Controversial Chapters In Golf's History Book Comes The Ultimate Answer To Hitting A Golf Ball Straight...
I want to introduce you to one of Golf’s most colorful, yet controversial figures…
…and to a “secret” that could finally give you everything you want in a game of golf, everything that’s likely been missing from your game for longer than you might care to remember:
• Longer drives that stay on the fairway … where they’re supposed to!
• Chips and wedge shots that go up and down the same way every time, landing right where you want them … whether you’re coming off the fairway, or out of a bunker
• A simpler swing – one that feels natural and “right”, takes less effort, and has “fewer moving parts” (so you no longer suffer all those aches, pains, and injuries!)
In other words … all the distance, all the accuracy, all the consistency…
And most of all … the FUN!
Because if you’re willing to try something new, something that’s admittedly “a little different” from what you may be used to … something that’s going to take some effort and a little time to master (if you’ve been playing with the “conventional” swing for very long)…
Then I promise you – GUARANTEE YOU, even – once you nail it, this swing can literally turn your game on its ear, as it did mine. (And I was already playing the US, Canadian, and Asian Tours when I learned it!)
The man who developed this revolutionary way of swinging a golf club is a legend to many golfers … and yet for most, he remains...
The Greatest Golfer You've Never Heard Of
In the mid 90’s I met a “mysterious” Canadian golfer. PGA pros, media insiders and golf teachers world-wide revered him as a legend of the game.
His name was Murray Irwin Norman. But everyone called him “Moe.” He was an eccentric character many described as a golf-savant.
Chastised by PGA big-wigs for not taking the sport seriously enough, and already plagued by so many challenges in his life, he walked away from the US Tour, never to return.
In fact, although he never visited a doctor until the age of 68, and wasn’t officially diagnosed with it … many people, looking back at this man’s social awkwardness, his speech, and his various idiosyncrasies, claim he suffered from autism, and called him “The Rainman of Golf”.
He was Moe Norman – that “bigger-than-life” player who would sometimes hit drives off 6-inch tees and soda bottles … in tournament play!
Players and officials alike – those who didn’t know and understand him, anyhow – lampooned Moe’s mode of dress, called him down for his “clownish” antics on the course, and snickered about his idiosyncrasies and unfortunate social ineptitude…
Yet they found it difficult to fault his record:
• 2 times Ontario Open Champion
• 2 times Saskatchewan Open Champion
• 3 times Manitoba Open Champion
• 2 times Alberta Open Champion
• 2 times Canadian Amateur Champion
• 2 times Canadian Professional Champion
• 7 times Canadian Professional Golfers Association Seniors Championship (in a single 8-yr. stretch!)
In his career, Moe sank 17 holes-in-one … boasted three scores of 59 … four scores of 61 … nine double eagles … and set 41 course records!
He’s an inductee of the Canadian Golf Hall of Fame …
Every major player knew his name, and held him in awe. When Moe started striking balls, any pros within range were drawn like moths to a flame … eager for the opportunity to watch Moe up-close.
“I don't know of any player – ever – who could strike a ball like Moe Norman.
He’s a legend with the professionals … and a genius when it comes to playing
the game of golf.”
Lee Trevino
“Only two players have ever truly owned their swing: Moe Norman and
Ben Hogan!”
Tiger Woods
“Who is the best golfer I've ever seen? Moe Norman - he was incredible.”
Vijay Singh
Ken Venturi nicknamed him “Pipeline Moe” for his unerring accuracy – both in his consistently dead-on drives, and his pin-seeking short game shots.
And Now YOU Too Can Learn How To
"Hit Like Moe"
Let’s make this clear from the get-go, though
I’m not saying you’ll necessarily become the next Moe Norman! He was rather unique, after all. For example…
Sometimes, just for “kicks”, he’d play par 4 holes backwards – that is, hitting a wedge off the tee and a driver onto the green … and still make par or better!
During one of his popular clinics, Moe hit 1,540 drives in a little over 7 hours … the balls all landing within 15 yards of each other!
And Moe was more than just a golf genius – he was pretty good with numbers, too. If you asked him, he could remember such astounding figures as:
• Number of courses played: 434
• Number of courses for which he could remember the
exact hole yardages: 375
• Number of two-stroke penalties he took in one 11-year period: Only one! (And that was just an errant drive that went two feet out-of-bounds.)
• The most balls he ever hit in a single day: 2,207
• Total balls hit throughout his lifetime: About 5 million (not counting chips and putts)
What I’m promising you instead is greater accuracy and consistency in your game … a longer, straighter ball flight … a simple swing, one that “makes sense”, feels right, and won’t cause the kind of muscle and tendon injuries and aches your current swing may be giving you.
What I’m GUARANTEEING you is that any golfer – and I mean any golfer – can now…
Play Your Best Golf Ever, And Put The FUN Back Into Your Game With Moe Norman's Unique Golf Swing
I know this for truth … because I’ve already taught Moe's swing to over 63,856 students at the Graves Golf Academy!
My name is Todd Graves.
…and for the last 11 years of his life, I was Moe’s close friend, student, and golfing pal.
Yes, sadly Moe left us on September 4, 2004 at the age of 74. But he lived a long and storied life, and left behind a golf legacy unmatched before or since.
He also entrusted me with teaching his methods.
In April of 1996 when asked if I really could teach people his swing, Moe replied…
“He’s the only one who knows it. Really knows it. Other guys just think they do.”
That’s the highest compliment and honor anyone could pay me. And I take my “mission” to teach Moe’s Single Plane Golf Swing seriously.
Very seriously.
Just so you know where I’m coming from, and how I ended up teaching Moe’s swing…
I helped coach the National Championship Golf Team at the University of Oklahoma, taking them to the title win in 1989.
Then in 1991, I started my pro career … playing the Canadian and U.S. PGA Tours. Golf Magazine, The Golf Channel, Golf Digest, Golf Tips, and Golf Week have all featured me on numerous occasions.
I played a stint on the Asian tour, and when I came back home I wanted to improve even more, and take my game – and my career – to the next level.
So I sought out the best golf instruction and teachers in the business -- guys like Hank Haney... Mac O'Grady... David Ledbetter. After three-and-a-half years of dedicated training I was worse than when I started.
Don’t get me wrong – those guys are terrific teachers … but their methods just weren’t working for me. I mean here I was working with some of the best golf instructors out there, and three years later I was playing worse, hitting the ball worse than ever.
It was so frustrating and so depressing – I mean I had played better golf in college, better golf in high school, even. So I up and quit.
Imagine that!
Here’s a professional, CHAMPIONSHIP golfer … quitting the game he loves because he’s not getting any better. (So I can fully understand when a recreational amateur player gets feeling that way out of frustration. If that sounds like you … you’re not alone!)
The Secret Of The
Perfect Natural Golf Swing
That’s when a friend of mine who was playing the Canadian Tour said, “You’ve got to see this guy, Moe Norman.”
He showed me a video of Moe hitting balls, and his swing was so totally different from anything I’d seen before. I was really intrigued – so for the next year I practiced his swing the way he was doing it in that video.
When I finally got to a clinic he was doing in Chicago, I was totally blown away!
Moe was absolutely amazing. His first three balls smacked the target from 50 or 60 yards out, straight on … and then he just kept doing it over and over.
Watching Moe hit balls was really all about consistency, and accuracy, and purity of flight, and how straight he hit it.
It wasn’t just distance – although he certainly wasn’t hitting short by any means – it was just the purity of his ball striking.
I met up with him afterwards, and asked if he’d watch me hit a few balls. I grabbed his clubs (which must’ve weighed 300 pounds) and started swinging.
And Moe said, “Look! He looks like me without the belly. Like me without a belly!” After that, we just sort of hit it off, and became good friends. (This is where I got the nickname “Little Moe” because I was already duplicating his swing so closely.)
I really value our friendship, and the time we spent together – on so many levels … but what did it do for my game?
Here are some of the results I enjoyed almost immediately:
• I uncorked some surprising new power that had been trapped inside my body for years, and began muscling 275-plus-yard drives almost effortlessly!
• My new swing consistently let me play rounds where I hit practically all fairways and greens in regulation. (Even my “off” days were now better than my old “good” days!)
• And perhaps best of all, I knocked a pile of strokes off my score and became a true “plus handicap” player (getting to where I shot numerous under-par rounds in tournaments too … including a 66 in the Oklahoma Open, and 67 in the Colorado Open!)
Moe took me under his wing, and taught me some amazing things about hitting a golf ball. He revealed the answer to the most important question any golfer can ask…
"What is the least complicated way to hit a ball on the ground with a stick?"
Seems like an obvious question.
Can I let you in on a secret here?
The simplest, least complicated, most efficient, accurate, and repeatable way to hit a golf ball…
…is definitely NOT the way most golfers do it!
You see, there’s one particular element of the “conventional” swing – and every variation of it – that can doom you to a life of inconsistency, wandering drives, frustration … and often injury.
It’s what I call…
The One Mistake
Like me, and pretty much every other golfer I know, you were most likely taught to let the one mistake your arms hang from your shoulders, straight down toward your knees.
The trouble is…
This is NOT where you end up at the moment of impacting the ball. This method of swinging a club creates a dual plane effect as you come down on a different plane than you went back.
“So what?” you might ask.
Well, this dual plane effect is the whole problem. It actually robs your swing of power and accuracy, destroys any hope for dependable repeatability, and can leave your body (especially your back and shoulders) feeling tired and sore for days on end.
This “hanging arms” position at address has many negative effects, including:
... Increasing the upward motion of your spine in order to make contact
… exaggerating body movement (which, coupled with the additional tension created, causes greater wear and tear on your joints and muscles)
… necessitating a tremendous need for timing of numerous small movements like hinging your wrists just the right amount at just the right time.
The end result of all this extra movement and split-second timing is a frustrating inconsistency in your swing.
(THIS is why one day everything might be going your way … and then the next day your game is in the dumpster. Sometimes it can change from hole to hole. But Moe Norman could drop a thousand balls all within a few yards of each other!)
Now you can begin to understand why you haven’t been hitting the ball straight.
Doesn’t it make more sense to start the swing where you want it to end up – right at the point of impact?
We're Out To Teach A Few "Old Dogs" Some New Tricks
Let’s face it (since there’s little else we can do): We’re not getting any younger.
And the older we get, the more painful and difficult golf can become. So we start looking for an easier way to keep playing this game we love.
But for most of us, that by itself isn’t enough … because we still want to get better, too.
And “getting better” means something’s gotta change!
After all … like the old saying goes: “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing the same way every time, and expecting different results!”
Interestingly (and sadly) a lot of guys who come to me for help feel they’re just too old to change, that they can’t learn something new at this point.
And a big part of my job is helping them see that you’re not too old until the day they nail down the lid on that ol’ pine box. (Once they’ve accepted that, improving their game becomes a piece of cake!)
And let me tell you…
Helping these guys overcome their “One Big Mistake” brain-washing
… showing them how to “hit like Moe”
… and seeing the smiles, and looks of pure ecstatic joy that spread across their face when they “nail it” and start cracking drive after drive straight down the fairway, dropping them where they’ve said they would…
THAT is my happiness!
That’s why, together with my brother Tim (who is a PGA member himself with numerous course records and tournament wins) I opened the Graves Golf Academy in 2000.
Our mission is to teach Moe Norman’s Single Plane Golf Swing, and help both recreational and competitive golfers improve their game to the highest levels.
More than 63,856 golfers have come to us for help because they’d been struggling with their game for years – even lifetimes.
They’ve usually had many lessons, and maybe attended other golf schools, but find “quick tips” haven’t helped them, long term.
Ours is a long term solution – a lifetime solution.
It takes practice … and it takes some time. And it is SO worth it! Everything you put into this will come back to you multiplied many times over.
Here’s what Moe Norman said about “a fine golf swing”, and what it takes to get it:
“A man may lie and cheat and steal for gain … but these will never gain a golf swing. To gain this, a man must work! But it’s work without the toil. A fine golf swing is intoxication without the hangover; it’s stimulation without the pills. It’s humbling … yet it ennobles the human spirit. It’s a buffer from the stresses of today’s living. Golf is truly Happiness.”
Moe Norman
Like I said … it’s worth it.
Anyone expecting to simply “unlearn” their old swing and turn their game around in a weekend though, has lost their grip on reality. Most serious golfers already know this, of course.
PLEASE NOTE: You might work with this swing a month or two – or even more – before you really start making it yours, and your game starts living up to our promises.
At first, it might even get worse. That’s normal though, as you shake off your old programming.
Give yourself, and this swing, the chance you deserve. Because once it starts … you’ll be absolutely amazed by how quickly your improvement comes.
So what is it that sets Moe Norman’s Single Plane Golf Swing apart from (and above!) anything else you may have tried?
Moe Norman's Single Plane Golf Swing
The Easiest Way To Hit A Golf Ball
Look, hitting a golf ball better is about returning the club to impact with the least amount of moving effort. This is crucial to understand.
Unlike traditional swings, the Single Plane Swing starts in the same position as the shaft ends up at impact.
Which means, less moving parts to the swing.
The mechanics are easier to learn and repeat. Thereby simplifying ball-striking for anyone.
The Single Plane Swing simplifies the game of golf for you in a way conventional instruction just can’t. Now you can forget about all that mumbo-jumbo like “X factor” in your golf swing.
And because the swing is easier on the body and has fewer moving parts, it’s much easier to learn than you might suspect. (For one thing, there are no complicated, power-robbing timing issues working against you.)
Here are just a few more benefits of the Single Plane Swing:
Allows The Body To Stabilize And Lets Your Arms Explode At Impact For Mega-Distance
One of the exciting benefits of this swing is all the new power you'll generate.
By keeping your club and body on plane you load the down stroke with explosive power.
The follow through blasts the ball into the air for near-perfect shots from the tee box or the fairway.
You'll love all the extra yards this simplified swing gives you.
Automatically Puts You In The Correct
Position To Hit The Ball Straight
Straight towering shots are the hallmark of great golfers.
The Single Plane Swing practically guarantees you strike the ball with precision. Because you start the swing at the point of impact!
This simple shift in body and club positioning keeps the ball on target. Right from the start of the swing. You can't screw up. Because the swing does not start at one point and end up at another. That extra action is what throws the club head off course.
With the Single Plane Swing, the club head finishes where it started!
Reduces Stress On The Back,
Elbows And Body
The Single Plane Golf Swing maintains the club shaft and spine/intersect from address to impact. Allowing for a smooth-as-silk swing motion.
The amount of upward motion of the spine is reduced.
Minimizing the stress on the spine and overall stress on the body. The ripple effect also reduces the movement of the body and results in more consistency.
Generates Maximum Efficiency
From Each Swing
Efficiency comes from getting more out of less.
The Single Plane Swing requires less rotation of the body... and... less upward compression of the back. In other words, less stressful body movement.
Due to superior bio-mechanics, it produces increased power and force... but... with lower energy output. (Perfect for older golfers who need to conserve energy.)
We believe there’s only one way to teach this swing: By modeling Moe Norman exactly!
At Graves Golf, we teach you the Single Plane Swing in its purest form – true to Moe Norman, who developed it and mastered it.
Other golf methods may claim to be the single plane swing … but they’re not. Don’t be fooled!
Until recently though, learning this swing from me and Tim was rather expensive.
Your choice was to either attend one of our golf camps (the fees for which start at $500 a day) … or hire me to personally coach you at $250 an hour! (If I was even available – my schedule gets booked solid months ahead. And that’s how I like to keep it.)
So I came up with a way for golfers who can’t attend a golf camp… or… who can’t hire me personally… to learn Moe’s single plane swing at home, in comfort, at their own pace.
The Single Plane Solution
Video Training Program
Here’s what I did…
I hired a professional video production crew and took them out on the golf course.
They filmed me demonstrating every detail of mastering Moe’s Single Plane Golf Swing.
I teach you exactly what Moe taught me! Nothing’s held back from you. You get plenty of clear step-by-step, in-depth instruction to ensure you can learn to swing like Moe — Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker!
You even get to see Moe in action, and learn directly from the master himself!
This training program breaks down his swing at various speeds. So you miss nothing at all, and can go out on the course, and start duplicating the Moe Norman swing, right after watching.
You get all the greatest secrets of hitting a golf ball perfectly, with any club, time after time. I’m confident this could be the last golf lesson you’ll ever need.
At least, as far as your swing is concerned.
Here's What You Get When You Grab This Exclusive Offer Today
The Single Plane Solution
I show you every detail of mastering Moe’s Single Plane Golf Swing.
I teach you exactly what Moe taught me! Nothing left back. Just step-by-step in-depth instruction so you learn to swing like Moe — Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker!
You’re introduced to the ULFT™ Method of learning golf. Graves Golf pioneered this proprietary process. In my humble opinion, it’s the easiest and fastest way to learn new golf skills regardless of age or physical condition.
No matter how long you’ve used a conventional swing… in a matter of hours… you can infuse new skills and techniques into your brain and body by following the ULFT™ Method.
I’m going to cover all the bases of playing the best golf of your life.
Giving you the extra edge to conquer any course. By the time you finish watching these videos you’ll become fearless on the links.
With the confidence of a seasoned golf pro who’s seen it all.
Take a look at all the extras you get… if… you act fast…
In addition, you get access to...
The Short Game Solution
After all, you earn respect at the tee box… but… you win games on the greens. That’s why I included this essential video.
You’ll discover chipping, pitching and putting secrets proven to shave strokes off your game.
And the crucial skills necessary to becoming a… scratch golfer!
Don’t laugh. You can do it by applying Moe Norman’s swing secrets… combined with… the short game techniques taught in this video.
In fact, I’m so convinced this is the ideal solution to whatever may be ailing your game, that I’m putting my money where my mouth is!
A Simple Promise... Backed Up With This Simple No-Risk, 12 MONTH, Money-Back Satisfaction GUARANTEE
I promise you, once you see this swing up close and spend some quality time with it, it’s just going to make so much sense to you.
You’ll end up hitting so much farther and more accurately, your game will be so much more consistent and pure FUN … you’ll just shake your head at conventional instruction, and wish you had learned this swing years ago.
And if this product – the swing itself, or the training program you’re learning it from – fails to live up to your expectations … if you’re unable, for any reason, to enjoy the kind of results we’ve been discussing here today…
Then I want you to ship it straight back to me – at any time in the next year! – for a gracious and speedy refund of your full purchase price (minus shipping and handling). No questions asked, and no hard feelings.
Simply order this amazing training package today. (Choose the best option for you, below.)
Watch the videos. Put Moe’s swing to the test on the practice range and the course. And THEN decide.
Look, I’m a high-profile golf instructor – operating a major golf school with thousands of students over the past decade – and the leading authority on Moe Norman’s Single Plane Swing … so I’m staking my reputation on dealing fairly with everyone.
If you still can’t accept this as the “best” way to swing a club (and the only way, as far as we’re concerned) then think of it as…
An Alternative To The Usual Insanity
Consider this an alternative, if you’d like.
An alternative for golfers whose game is not getting any better, no matter how hard they work on the conventional swing.
An alternative for guys who just want to play better golf, and really couldn’t care less what the Pros are doing on the tour.
If what you’ve learned in the past just isn’t working for you, then common sense says it’s time for something different. (Remember what I said earlier about the definition of insanity?)
And probably the one thing I hear from students, more than anything else, is how this swing just … makes … sense!
Of course, what we hear more than anything else from the detractors, the cynics, and the skeptics is: “If this swing is so good, then how come all the Tour players aren’t using it?
Good question!
And the main reason is:
They simply don’t see The One Mistake as a mistake, at all – to them, it’s an integral part of a “proper” swing. And because of this nearly universal misconception – perpetuated by instructor after instructor, down through the years – they simply cannot accept anything so “revolutionary” as the Single Plane Swing.
And yet things are changing … slowly.
Because there are a number of golfers who do come pretty close. They adopt this or that element of Moe’s swing … but unfortunately that’s where they stop. They just can’t bring themselves to committing “whole hog” to it. (I’d say 12-time PGA Tour winner Steve Stricker probably comes closest to our method.)
For the most part though, they just don’t recognize any need to change – to do anything other than what they’re used to, what everyone else is doing.
If The Fairways Were Only 10 Yards Wide...
Whenever Moe was asked why more people on the Tour weren’t using his swing, he’d reply: “If the fairways were 10 yards wide, everybody would swing like me!”
Yes, if there was nothing but fairway and OB (out-of-bounds), then Tour players would have to swing more like Moe. He was all about accuracy, and there’s just no better way to maximize your accuracy on the course than using the Single Plane Swing!
Moe called his golf swing The Feeling of Greatness, and said: “I’m what’s missing in golf.” (Moe didn’t call it the Single Plane Swing – that’s a name I coined, to better describe what makes it so different, so much better.)
But regardless of any of that … as I see it, the question comes down to this:
If you’re not golfing the way you want to be … if your current swing isn’t producing the changes you crave in your game…
Then who really gives a rat’s fanny what the Pros are doing on Tour? You do NOT need the permission of any Tour Pro before trying something new. It’s up to you to take responsibility for your swing, and do whatever it takes to achieve the kind of game you’ll always dreamt of!
These 3 FREE Fast-Response Bonus Videos Take Your Game To A New Level
I want to be sure you get off to the very best start possible, and turn you game around in record time. So along with your purchase of “The Single Plane Solution”, you’re also going to get…
Because we both know that change only happens when we take action … here’s an extra special gift collection specially chosen for you when you or today:
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #1
$27 Value
Format: Digital
Pre-Round Warm Up & Post-Round Stretching Routine
Great golfers "gear up" mentally and physically before and after each round. In this special video, you'll learn a pre-game warm up routine to stay healthy and play at peak performance. If you want to avoid needless injuries then make sure to watch this video. You’ll learn how to get your body ready for a round of golf in less than seven minutes. Plus, you’ll get a simple routine that ensures you avoid tight achy muscles after you play.
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #2
$27 Value
Format: Digital
Behind The Scenes Practice Session
You'll see me take a new student - someone I never coached before - and reveal my secrets to quality golf practice. You'll learn how to correctly practice using targets... pre-round on the course... and on the driving range.
What you discover on this video alone could knock 10 to 20 strokes off your score.
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #3
$47 Value
Format: Digital
Slow Motion Swing Videos
The downside of watching a master swing in real-time is… the speed. You miss things – little nuances – that could make a big difference in understanding how to model the swing.
For this reason, I created a video of me performing the Single Plane Golf Swing in super slow motion. The video was shot at extreme high-speed. So you see the swing frame-by-frame.
Plus… it features full-view frames showing how the entire swing looks from address to follow through. And individual parts of the swing: Like the set up, different body positions… the whole works!
I honestly believe you won’t need any other swing instruction after watching and implementing the information on these videos – your core Single Plane Solution program, plus the bonus videos. You’ll finally have a dependable swing and find the natural power, accuracy and consistency you were never able to tap into until now.
What Could This Kind of Accuracy, Control & Performance Possibly Be Worth To You?
Remember, if you took Personal Coaching with me, you’d be paying $250 an hour … plus the costs of getting here and staying until you had learned the swing. Admittedly, very few amateur golfers take the game seriously enough to fork over that kind of loot.
Instead, you can get the same basic instruction for a fraction of the cost including…
- The Single Plane Solution Course. Where you learn the simple swing secrets of Moe Norman, Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker!
- The Short Game Solution Course on how to sharpen your pitching, chipping, putting, and bunker skills and start knocking those snowmen off your card for good…
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #1 – Pre-Round Warm Up And Post-Round Stretching Routine. Where you learn how to play at peak performance and avoid injury!
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #2 – Behind The Scenes Practice Session. Where you see me take a new student - someone I never coached before - and reveal my secrets to quality golf practice.
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #3 – The Slow Motion Swing Video. Where you can see every single detail of the Single Plan Swing frame-by-frame. Making it a cinch to duplicate!
Because I decided to make this video package affordable for any golfer.
Instead of paying hundreds of dollars you get to test-drive everything
for just… $47 today.
That’s it!
And not only do you get these DVD’s shipped to your door, you also get instant online access within five minutes of placing your order. No more waiting days or weeks for the post office. Order right now and watch the videos today.
Here's How To Get YOUR Copy of The Single Plane Solution And All The Bonus Gifts...
It’s easy, really!
Just below here, click the big green button.
That will take you to our secure ordering page where you can fill in your contact and payment information (we gladly accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discovery) … along with your shipping address.
We’ll process your order right away, and ship it out to you. In the meantime, of course, you’ll have instant online access to your videos, too. (Watch for an e-mail from us where you’ll find your access link.)
And PLEASE write to me about your experiences with Moe Norman’s “Single Plane Swing”. My “distance students” are every bit as important to me as my “face-to-face” students!
Todd Graves
Graves Golf Academy
Normally $97...Save An Additional $50 If Your Order Today - $47
Still undecided? Take a look at what other golfers just like you are already saying about Moe Norman’s “Single Plane Swing” and THEN try it for yourself:
Just imagine owning your swing.
Confidently striding to the tee box knowing it's gonna be another beauty.
Squinting as the ball sails straight so far down the fairway you'll need binoculars to follow it.
That's what Moe Norman called... The Feeling Of Greatness!
It's yours for the taking so go ahead and get it now...
Get Moe Norman's Single Plane Swing For Yourself!
P.S. – Remember, you’re fully protected by our 1-Year No-Hassle, No-Risk, 100% Satisfaction-or-Money-Back Guarantee! Any “risk” is all on my shoulders. (Not that I’m worried. We’ve sold literally THOUSANDS of copies of this program … and maybe had a few returns. Those of course were refunded quick-as-a-wink.)
The choice is simple...