Hands-Down, the Easiest Way to Start Smashing Your Golf Ball Longer, Straighter, and with More Accuracy—Guaranteed!
Sound Gimmicky? I Know—It Did to Me Too…
…Until I Experienced This Amazingly Simple Swing Training For Myself. And Now, I’m Playing the Best Golf of My Life!
Todd Graves
(Asian Tour and CPGA Pro)
Coffee Creek Golf Course
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Dear Friend,
If you’re struggling with your golf game, I want you to listen to me VERY closely…
Because I’m about to reveal to you the fastest, most efficient way to start fixing your swing today, so you can have the ability to cream the ball a “country mile” with your driver and irons… place each shot safely on the fairway and greens… and enjoy the kind of consistent play the pros do.
But first, a quick confession:
I Know How Frustrated You Are Right Now…
It’s true. Even though I was a professional golfer, playing on the Asian Tour, Canadian PGA tour and US tours, my game was hanging by a thread.
My ball-striking was pathetic. Sometimes I hit the ball square, sometimes I didn’t. Some rounds the ball had “eyes for the fairway.” Others I was just playing “military golf” (left, right, left, right).
I was slicing…hooking…hitting shots fat…blading balls into the gallery…taking 3 or 4 shots to get out of bunkers. And I don’t even want to talk about my putting issues (yikes!)…
So I sought out the best golf teachers in the business — guys like Hank Haney… Mac O’Grady… David Ledbetter. And after 3-1/2 years of dedicated training, I was actually WORSE than when I started.
That’s right—even after hitting thousands of balls a day from sunup to sundown, and devoting all my waking hours to taking my game to the next level…
Even After Spending a Fortune with the World’s Greatest Golf Teachers, I STILL Sucked!
So I up and quit. Just put the clubs in the closet and walked away. I couldn’t stand the heartache and frustration anymore.
But then, something AMAZING happened…
In the mid 90’s I met a “mysterious” Canadian golfer. PGA pros, media insiders and golf teachers world-wide revered him as a legend of the game.
His name was Murray Irwin Norman. But everyone called him “Moe.” He was an eccentric character many described as a golf-savant. (Sort of a “Rain Man” of golf—minus all the Judge Wapner and Kmart references).
But what Moe lacked in some areas he certainly made up for in others—particularly his golf swing…
This Guy Could Hit Shot After Shot Exactly Like He Wanted…
Long…straight…and directly at his target, over and over again. In fact, during one of his clinics, Moe hit 1,540 drivers in a little over 7 hours—and the balls landed within 15 yards of each other!
In his remarkable career, he sank 17 holes-in-one… boasted three scores of 59… four scores of 61… nine double eagles… and set over 30 course records. And as I watched him, I could see why.
It was the most amazing exhibition I’d ever seen. Never before had I witnessed such ball-striking—even after years on the pro tours. It was a thing of beauty to watch.
Right then and there I made a decision:
I HAD to Know the Secret to His Ultra-Consistent Golf Swing!
So Moe took me under his wing, sharing his insider knowledge on what he called the “Single Plane Swing”. And almost instantly I started seeing a HUGE difference…I began uncorking new power that had been trapped inside my body, muscling 275-plus-yard drives like clockwork. I started hitting more fairways and greens in regulation, setting up birdie opportunities where there never were before.
And eventually, I knocked a pile of strokes off my score to become a true “plus handicap” player.Soon, I was back on the tour, playing better than I ever had. I shot numerous under-par rounds in tournaments — including a 66 in the Oklahoma Open… and a 67 in the Colorado Open.
YES! My Game Was BACK!
But then a REALLY cool thing happened…
As time went on, Moe and I became more than just teacher and student. Over the many years of our relationship, we became close friends.
And before he passed away in 2004, he asked me to do one thing for him—carry on his legacy by teaching his Single Plane Golf method to other golfers who were struggling with their swings and desperately looking for an answer.
And that’s exactly what I’ve done at the Graves Golf Academy, teaching Moe’s revolutionary Single Plane Golf Swing to over 3,789 students and giving them a new (and BETTER) way to play golf and shoot lower scores. Students who were “brainwashed” by the industry into believing traditional swing methods were the only way to go….students who had been hoodwinked by other so-called “swing cures”…students who cast their doubts aside just for a bit and took a chance on learning the simplest swing you’ll ever come across.
And now they thank me for it.
5 Reasons Why This Swing Actually Makes Golf Fun Again…
–Simplifies Ball-Striking
Look, hitting a golf ball with more power and accuracy is about returning the club to impact with the least amount of moving effort. This is crucial to understand. Unlike traditional swings, the Single Plane Swing starts in the same position as the shaft ends up at impact. Which means, less moving parts to the swing. The mechanics are easier to learn, easy to repeat, and easy to implement–thereby simplifying ball-striking for anyone.
–Allows The Body To Stabilize And Lets Your Arms Explode At Impact For Mega-Distance
One of the exciting benefits of this swing is all the new power you’ll generate. By keeping your club and body on plane, you load the downswing with explosive power, blasting the ball with crisp, clean contact and sending it on a ballistic-missile trajectory that seemingly goes for miles. You’ll love all the extra yards this simplified swing gives you!
–Automatically Puts You In The Correct Position To Hit The Ball Straight
Straight towering shots are the hallmark of great golfers. The Single Plane Swing almost ensures you strike the ball with precision. Because you start the swing at the point of impact, this simple shift in body and club positioning keeps the ball on target–right from the start of the swing. You can’t screw up!
–Reduces Stress On The Back, Elbows And Body
The Single Plane Golf Swing maintains the club shaft and spine intersect from address to impact, allowing for a smooth-as-silk swing motion. The amount of upward motion of the spine is reduced which minimizes the stress on the spine and overall stress on the body. The ripple effect also reduces the movement of the body and results in more consistency.
–Generates Maximum Efficiency From Each Swing
Efficiency comes from getting more out of less. The Single Plane Swing requires less rotation of the body and less upward compression of the back. In other words, less stressful body movement. Due to superior bio-mechanics, it produces increased power and force—but with lower energy output. (Perfect for older golfers who need to conserve energy.)
Every day, I help my students achieving amazing results from the Single Plane Golf Swing. And in this DVD training, that’s EXACTLY what I’d like to do for you too…
What The Greatest Ball-Striker Who Ever Played Can Teach You About…
- Driving a golf ball straight as an arrow up to an extra 25 to 50 yards from the tee box alone by unleashing the “cover-tearing” power hiding untapped in your body…
- Placing all your shots anywhere you want with surgical precision and the kind of laser beam accuracy you only dreamed about before and…
- Hitting fairways and greens with amazing machine-like consistency you can count on round after round…
Meet The Only Golf Instructor You’ll Ever Need From Now On
Todd “Little Moe” Graves…
Todd Graves was a personal friend and student of Moe Norman for 11 years.
Moe taught him the Single Plane Golf Swing. Todd was given the nickname “Little Moe” for his swing likeness to that of the legend.
Todd started his pro golf career in 1991. He played on the Asian Tour, Canadian PGA Tour and U.S. Tours.
He coached the National Championship Golf Team at the University of Oklahoma winning the title in 1989.
Golf Magazine, Golf Channel, Golf Digest, Golf Tips and Golf Week have featured Todd on numerous occasions.
Todd and his brother Tim Graves (who is a PGA member himself with numerous course records and tournament wins) opened the Graves Golf Academy in 2000.
Their mission is to teach Moe Norman’s Single Plane Golf Swing and help both recreational and competitive golfers improve their game to the highest levels.
That’s the highest compliment and honor anyone can pay me. And I take my “mission” to teach Moe’s Single Plane Golf Swing seriously.
Very seriously.
The reason I’m telling you all this is because until recently learning this swing was rather expensive.
Your choice was either to attend one of our golf camps. The fee for one of these events starts at $500 a day.
Or hire me to personally coach you at $250 an hour with a minimum of 7 lessons. Which means you’d shell out $1,750 in fees alone to learn this swing.
If I was available. My schedule gets booked solid months ahead. And that’s how I like to keep it.
So I came up with a way for golfers who can’t attend a golf camp… or… who can’t hire me personally… to learn Moe’s single plane swing at home…
Introducing The Single Plane Solution Video Training Package

Here’s what I did…
I hired a video production crew and took them out on the golf course.
They video-taped me showing you every detail of mastering Moe’s Single Plane Golf Swing.
I teach you exactly what Moe taught me! Nothing left back. Just step-by-step in-depth instruction so you learn to swing like Moe — Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker!
You’ll also see Moe in action and detailed graphics illustrating each element of this simple swing.
The video breaks down his swing at various speeds. So you miss nothing and can go out on the links and duplicate the swing after watching the video.
In 38 minutes and 32 seconds, you get the secrets of hitting the ball perfectly time after time. This just might be the last golf lesson you’ll ever need.
At least, as far as your swing is concerned.
In addition, and to make sure you learn this swing as easily as possible, I’m including…
Here’s What You Get With The
“Single Plane Solution”…
The Single Plane Solution
Electronic Instruction Manual

The 127-page downloadable e-manual is a perfect supplement to the video.
You’re introduced to the ULFT™ Method of learning golf. The Graves Golf Academy pioneered this proprietary process. In my opinion, it’s the easiest and fastest way to learn new golf skills regardless of age or physical condition.
No matter how long you’ve used a conventional swing… in a matter of hours… you can infuse new skills and techniques into your brain and body by following the ULFT™ Method.
Several sections in the e-manual correspond to the DVD lessons. You click a button within the e-manual and link instantly to the online version of that lesson.
By reading and watching the instruction, you are guaranteed to quickly transition to the Single Plane Golf Swing within no time at all.
But wait… there’s more…
FREE Fast-Response Bonus Golf Videos
Take Your Game To A New Level
I’m going to cover all the bases of playing the best golf of your life.
Giving you the extra edge to conquer any course. By the time you finish watching these videos you’ll become fearless on the links.
With the confidence of a seasoned golf pro who’s seen it all.
Take a look at all the extras you get… if… you act fast…
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #1

The downside of watching a master swing in real-time is… the speed.
You miss things – little nuances – that could make a big difference in understanding how to model the swing.
For this reason, I created a video of me performing the Single Plane Golf Swing in super slow motion. The video was shot at extreme high-speed. So you see the swing frame-by-frame.
Plus… it features full-view frames showing how the entire swing looks from address to follow through. And individual parts of the swing: Like the set up, different body positions… the whole works!
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #2

No golf instruction video package would be complete without short game instruction.
After all, you earn respect at the tee box… but… you win games on the greens. That’s why I included this essential video. You’ll discover chipping, pitching and putting secrets proven to shave strokes off your game.
And the crucial skills necessary to becoming a… scratch golfer!
Don’t laugh. You can do it by applying Moe Norman’s swing secrets… with… the short game techniques taught in this video.
When you watch it you’ll discover: how to chip the ball into “gimme” range like a pro… how to avoid and get out of the bunker… how to sink more putts more often… and… a putting secret so effective it should be illegal.
Plus… a ton more!
FREE Fast-Response Bonus #3

Great golfers “gear up” mentally and physically before each round.
In this special video, you’ll learn a pre-game warm up routine to stay healthy and play at peak performance. The video presents golf-specific exercises and stretches. In about 6 minutes, you’ll be ready to storm the course and play at your best.
Plus… you get a post-round stretching routine to loosen up tight aching muscles. You’ll feel nice and nimble and prevent unnecessary soreness.
I honestly believe you won’t need any other swing instruction after watching and implementing the information on these videos. You’ll finally have a dependable swing and find the natural power, accuracy and consistency you never tapped before.
Hey, don’t take my word for it…
Listen To What Other Golfers Say…
With the Moe Norman single plane swing, I’ve improved from shooting in the 120′s to the high 70′s!Chuck Carnivale
Using the Moe Norman Single plane swing, I’ve reduced my handicap from 18 to under 8.“Russ Graunke
I have just finished going through the videos and the e-book and feel like I just made a very worthwhile investment… But, bottom line, Good job.Ralph Greenway
Thank you for the fine videos and E-Book. These instruction materials are simple and extremely well produced. My golf game has improved as well as my enjoyment of this great game because of your hard work and dream.Bill Stratton
Thanks Todd, I received your new DVD today and I have already watched it twice. Great DVD, I think you broke the swing down better than I have ever understood before…Dave Stutler
I am seeing another level of improvement happen as I re-study the DVD’s and do the drills, PVC, impact bag, etc…. My handicap index is 14…when I started… it was 30.Rob
The results from your swing was phenomenal, I was up until last week, playing my best golf ever and that was in the 3 weeks I had taken up your method.John Bosco
I watched the video and read the e-book last night and suddenly that dim bulb in my head just got a lot brighter. To say my practice round was a success would be an understatement. This new video has and will continue to be my golf bible.Lenny Molbert
Received my new DVD yesterday, watched it, and immediately went to the range to hit balls. Without a doubt your teaching methods work! Simple, to the point and I could put it to the test quickly.Ed Harper, Jr.
I want to say that I think this may be your best work yet! The main reason I feel this way is that in this DVD it is simple, direct and to the point!David Callahan
The new video and e-book really hit the nail on the head. I bought the package since Todd and Tim are so dedicated to their swing system and just wanted to be part of their success.Mike Aho
A recent round of 99 on my home course was the straw that broke the camel’s back! In the nick of time along came one of your emails advertising the “Single Plane Solution” DVD. I ordered a copy. I watched it 3-4 times. The result (after just one practice session) – my very next round I shot 83.Andy Myer
The Best Value In Golf Today
How much would you expect to pay for all this?
Well, think of it this way: Personal coaching with me runs $1,750 ($250 an hour with a minimum of 7 lessons). Few golfers take the game seriously enough to fork over that kind of loot.
You get the same basic instruction for a fraction of the cost including…
- The Single Plane Solution Video. Where you learn the simple swing secrets of Moe Norman, Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker!
- The Single Plane Solution Electronic Instruction Manual. Where you discover the ULFT™ Method of learning golf. So you shortcut the learning curve and master Moe’s swing in record time!
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #1 – The Slow Motion Swing Video. Where you can see every single detail of the Single Plan Swing frame-by-frame. Making it a cinch to duplicate!
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #2 – The Short Game Solution DVD. Where you learn to dominate all aspects of the short game… and… get closer to becoming a scratch golfer!
- FREE Fast-Response Bonus #3 – Pre-Round Warm Up And Post-Round Stretching Routine. Where you learn how to play at peak performance and avoid injury!
Because I decided to make this video package affordable for any golfer.
Instead of paying hundreds of dollars you get everything for just… $47.
Plus, not only do you get these DVD’s shipped to your door, you get instant online access in the next five minutes. No waiting days or weeks for the post office. Order right now and watch the videos today.
But it gets even better because I’m taking all the pressure off your decision.
By giving you an outrageously-generous…
100% No-Risk, 365 Day
Money-Back Guarantee!
Here’s the deal…
I’m willing to put my money where my mouth is. Because I’m so confident the secrets you learn in these videos will transform your game like magic.
Order this amazing video package today. Watch the videos. Put Moe’s swing to the test on the practice range and the links. If for any reason you’re not thrilled, you have nothing to worry about. Simply request a refund within a full year and you’ll get every dime back (minus shipping and handling). No questions and no hard feelings.
I’m a high-profile golf instructor — operating a major golf school with thousands of students over the past decade — so I stake my reputation on dealing fairly with everyone.
If nothing else, you would’ve gotten to see everything for free!
But I think you’re going to love it.
Just imagine owning your swing. Confidently striding to the tee box knowing it’s gonna be another beauty. Squinting as the ball sails straight so far down the fairway you’ll need binoculars to follow it.
That’s what Moe Norman called… The Feeling Of Greatness!
It’s yours for the taking so go ahead and get it now…
Here’s what’s included:

Single Plane Solution DVDs

Single Plane Solution eBook

Bonus Golf Videos
- The Slow Motion Swing Video (Digital)
- The Short Game Solution DVD
- Pre-Round Warm Up And Post-Round Stretching Routine (Digital)
- Behind-the-scenes Practice Session (Digital)

“You’ve got my word the simple swing secrets of Golf’s Greatest Ball-Striker will revolutionize your game! I’ve seen it happen hundreds of times with golfers at all skill levels… age groups… and… physical condition. You’re gonna love this!”
Todd Graves
Todd Graves
Graves Golf Academy
P.S. Real quick: I’m going to sweeten this deal even more by throwing in an invaluable “Behind-The-Scenes Practice Session” video. You’ll see me take a new student – someone I never coached before – and reveal my secrets to quality golf practice.
You’ll learn how to correctly practice using targets… pre-round on the course… and on the driving range. What you discover on this video alone could knock 10 to 20 strokes off your score.
And it’s yours with my compliments — Absolutely Free — as my gift to you for at least taking a peek at the Single Plane Solution video package.
Remember, you get to test-drive everything with zero risk.
So you have nothing to lose by ordering now…