Get Our New Year Inner Circle Mastery Deal And…
Access All Of The Incredible Benefits Of The Inner Circle… Just Do NOT Wait!

Plus The Largest Library Of Single Plane Instruction ANYWHERE!
- Exclusive Video Content: Access hundreds of uninterrupted and commercial-free Single Plane instructional videos. All you need is an Internet connection. These videos are jam-packed with actionable tips and shortcuts to make you a better Single Plane golfer.
- Moe Norman Video Archive: Watch the master himself explain his “Feeling of Greatness” swing. I’ve tracked down a number of Moe Norman Clinics, Training Videos and Interviews. Graves Golf Academy is the exclusive licensor. Which means, you won’t find these videos anywhere — at any price — in the world.
- New Natural Golf Fundamentals: A couple of years ago, Graves Golf Academy bought out Natural Golf. So I shot a new video explaining the difference between the Natural Golf approach to Moe’s swing… and… the improved GGA approach taught to over 4,000 golfers. If you’ve ever wondered which way is best then watch this video.
- Seven Principles Of Golf: The foundation of a great golf game depends upon knowing, understanding and applying these principles. That’s why we compiled several hours worth of quick clip videos about: the swing, short game, putting, equipment, course management, practice and mental game.
- Caddie Clips: Upload these short videos to your hand-held device and take it to the course. Then, if you ever get caught in the rough… or need to hit the ball around a tree… or negotiate a water hazard between you and the cup… or end up in a number of other “quirky” situations… just watch the appropriate clip of me telling you exactly how to overcome that problem.
- Moe vs. the Pros: Golfers always ask me if touring pros could improve by adopting the Single Plane swing. In these videos, we show you how Top PGA Pros like Tiger Woods, Jim Furyk, Chris DiMarco and others could… in fact… simplify their swing, take a ton of stress off their body and play at a higher standard by swinging like Moe. Side-by-side videos show you the difference between Moe and the pros so you see for yourself whose swing is better.
- Before & After Swing Analysis: A number of GGA students (men, women, young and old) allowed us to share their swing analysis videos with Single Plane Academy members. You’ll be fascinated as we tweak their under-performing swings… and… turn them into consistent ball strikers.
And these are just the EXISTING features of the Inner Circle… It gets MUCH better… The new benefits below make…
The NEW Inner Circle is a MUST-HAVE for each and every one of you… and here’s why:
Because going forward, the Inner Circle will now ALSO provide:
- A PRIVATE Inner-Circle-Members-Only Facebook Group. Meet friends, ask questions and get a closer look into the Graves Golf Academy than anyone else. My team and I will personally provide content and communicate with Inner Circle members in this Facebook Group.
- $10 in STACKING credit toward ANY 1, 2, 3 or 5 day GGA School for EVERY month you are a member. This is a cumulative benefit for as long as you are a member. (Keep reading to see how to get $120 in credit today)
- Monthly Private Webinar Series with LIVE Q&A. Our private webinars feature advanced topics and content plus live Q&A sessions. Q&A will no longer be available on the “public” webinars.
- Special pricing on Callaway equipment and “first dibs” on limited inventory offers.
Now, that is a lot to digest,
let me break it down for you here:
Inner Circle Members receive unprecedented access to my team and me PLUS other members in the Private Facebook Group. Stay up to date and have an easy portal to ask questions, get feedback, swap stories and meet new Single Plane friends.
Inner Circle Members also receive: $10 in monthly school credit every single month you’re a member as our way of giving back. This is a fantastic way to attend any live GGA event with big savings. As long as you are a member, these credits do not expire. There is no limit to the number of credits you can accumulate and credits DO roll over year after year. AND credits can be used in conjunction with any other special offer! This is huge folks!
Now, the Private Facebook Group and the Cumulative School Credits ALONE make this program a no-brainer, but I want to make this IRRESISTIBLE!
This is a big one: You’re also getting access to our NEW Monthly PRIVATE Webinar Series (and replays). No one outside of the Inner Circle can attend these webinars OR see the replays. AND these Inner Circle Private Webinars are the only webinars that will have a Q&A session going forward.
The limited group size allows us to focus on the challenges that YOU face. This alone is a $70+ a month value – not to mention instant access to ALL historical webinars. YES, they are that good:
Read What Dorothy Wrote About Our Last Private Live Webinar In February:
“Please share with the entire team how much all the time and energy spent presenting the various webinars and videos means to those who are truly devoted to improving their golf game.
We are not blind to the fact that hours and hours are spent in thought and preparation to what will be presented. I feel energized to work harder each time I receive a training email from you. Additionally, evening webinars means spending time away from your families. That sacrifice is not taken lightly. I greatly appreciate what each of you do and I look forward to and set aside time to attend each presentation.”
When you join the Inner Circle Today You’re Getting:
- Members Only Facebook Group With Access To Todd, Tim & Other Members ($30/month value)
- Cumulative Credits That Can Be Used For ANY School Event ($10/month cumulative value)
- Access To The LIVE, PRIVATE Members-Only Webinars And Q&A Sessions ($70/month value)
- Access To ALL Past Webinars PLUS Hundreds Of Hours Of Video Training & Moe Footage ($200+/month value)
- Special Pricing & Access To Callaway Equipment PLUS Early & Special Access To Limited Quantity Sales ($20+/month value)
Now, there is just one thing left to do…
FREE DIGITAL ACCESS: To The Single Plane Solution Drills Video Course…
Plus, Get 1 Month OR 12 Months of Inner Circle Private Access Which Includes:
- Members Only Facebook Group ($30/month Value)
- $10/month Instant Credit Toward Your Next School ($120 Instant For Annual)
- Access To Private Webinars + Q&A ($70/month Value)
- Access To All Past Webinars + Training ($200+/month Value)
- Special Pricing & Access To Callaway & GGA Specials ($20+/month Value)x
TOTAL VALUE: $3,960 <<– Get In Now For Just $250/yr OR Just $27/month
Click The Button Above Or Leave A Voice Message Right Now For Tanya Directly At: (405) 562-9225
For any questions regarding the information above, don’t hesitate to contact us!
Copyright 2017 Graves Golf Academy