Single Plane Golfers around the country are now using “The P.A.T.H. Method” to finally master the single plane swing faster than ever before…
While significantly dropping their handicap overnight!
Dear Single Plane Golfer,
Increased consistency on the greens…
Further drives off the tee…
And precision accuracy down the fairway.
This is exactly what 12,736 senior level single plane golfers across the nation are seeing in their golf game as we speak.
And you’ll be happy to know… the solution has never been easier to implement until now.
You see, what I’m about to reveal to you over the next few minutes is the “real” secret to adopting and mastering the Single Plane Swing faster than you’ve ever thought possible…
Without strenuous practice wondering if you are following all of the steps right…
Without dishing out your hard earned money on wasted “range time”...
And without becoming frustrated with too many fundamental swing thoughts clouding your performance.
In fact, what I’ll be letting you in on today is a breakthrough in our community…
And it will help you wake up each day with full confidence you’ll be striking your balls farther, straighter, and with far less pain off the tees.
Heck I’ll even bet you right now, that once you take what you are about to learn out on the range…
Your golf buddies will no longer want to play you for money once they see you launching the ball higher and watching your score’s drop each round.
Of course, some may assume this sounds too good to be true…
But you’ll be happy to know it's not…
Just look at David who writes:
"I was playing in the 120’s/130’s with my traditional swing but since implementing the “P.A.T.H. Method” to my game I’m now down to the low 100s of the tee. The biggest benefit I’ve gotten out of the swing so far is I’m able to hit the ball straighter and farther.”
Or Mark who recently said,
"Once I retired I wanted to get back into golf, and not shortly after, my back began to dwell in pain while playing and by the last few rounds I wanted the game to be over. But then I found 'The P.A.T.H. Method' and the first seniors tournament I played in after learning it, I won the whole thing. I have the trophy to prove it.”
And even Randy whose dropped 10-12 strokes off his game when he wrote us and said...
“With this 'P.A.T.H. Method' I’m able to keep my drives on the greens more consistently and I rarely ever lose a ball anymore. I’ve now dropped 10-12 strokes off my game.”
Now to be clear these people aren’t professionals by any means…
They are simply senior level golfers who look forward to playing the game with consistency while eliminating pain all together.
And I’m about to show you the exact same simple method on how you can make it a reality for yourself…
Plus, the one secret you can start using today to mentally download Moe’s legendary ball-striking swing in as little as 12 strokes.
Hi, my name is Todd Graves…
And I was a personal friend and student of Moe Norman for 11 years before his passing in 2004.
It was because of his mentorship that I was able to adopt his powerfully effective swing into my arsenal and start my pro golf career in 1991…
Where I played on the Asian Tour, Canadian PGA and U.S. Tours.
I also helped coach the University of Oklahoma’s golf team to a National Championship Title in 1989.
I’ve been featured in Golf Magazine, Golf Channel, Golf Digest, Golf Tips and Golf Week where I’m consistently nicknamed “Little Moe”...
And since the year 2000, when I started Graves Golf Academy with my brother Tim…
My mission has always been to teach as many recreational golfers as I can how to improve their game using Moe’ Single Plane Swing.
But before I show you how you can master this unique swing faster than ever before…
You should know that even though I am running a business…
Our core principles is what drive the company:
Helping you improve your golf game and helping you enjoy the game again is what we set out to do…
And at the end of the day, it’s how we measure success.
But even though I’ve taught hundreds of students every year like Tom S. and Michael E. who say this about their progress:
“After learning the Single Plane Swing, I am hitting the farthest and straightest in my years in golf. At 74 I'm hitting my gap wedge 118+. 5 wood 200 and only getting better. Thanks for teaching me an easy way to play.” - Tom S.
“The Moe Norman swing is simple. I’m finally able to shoot a 70 and I firmly believe that this swing will allow me to play until I’m 90+. It’s awesome to finish around and my back not hurt.” -Michael E.
I’ve noticed something crucial…
And I believe it’s come to impact nearly every golfer aspiring to improve their game.
The Killer of Your Golf Game
The thing is, us golfers are always on the search for the latest solutions to jumpstart our performance.
Some will browse the internet for the “new” solution that claims to have the “unfair edge” they need to finally stay consistent and accurate…
Whether it’s a new club that won’t fix their swing or mechanics in the first place…
A training aid that is advertised much better than it really is...
Or lessons where the instructor brain dumps useless information on the first day while overcharging you for 30 valueless minutes.
It's no secret we are always on the hunt for the easiest and quickest path to success out on the greens.
But the problem lies in the fact that so many golfers try to play the game with perceptions and information that will not allow them to execute the shot…
Or even achieve the end result they are looking for.
This problem derives from something even more destructive…
Which is having too much knowledge or information before getting ready to hit the ball.
You see, thinking is a left brain activity and the neuro-motor system only moves at 3-5 meters per second when we are thinking.
That means we can think faster than our body can move.
But too much information only shuts down our ability to play golf athletically.
It literally halts our thinking and creates paralysis from analysis.
And when it comes to the golf swing, there is only so much information a player can consume before it becomes detrimental…
To prove my point, see if this picture looks familiar:

If it does, then you know this is where most golfers get setbacks in their progress.
Over the years of coaching and teaching the SPS…
I’ve seen hundreds of golfers get caught up trying to download every bit of information they can to make sure they are hitting each metric of their swing perfectly.
This winds up becoming tedious…
Time consuming…
Extremely overwhelming to say the least.
And after a few days of doing this…
The brain gets overloaded…
And kills their improvement only to find themselves frustrated in the same place they started in.
In fact, I’ve personally witnessed good players LOSE it all when they find themselves with too many different thoughts going on in their head from cluttering up their minds with increased knowledge and information.
This longing for the “Secret” is only a recipe for disaster that becomes a simple game of cat and mouse…
And it ends up claiming the most victims in the game of golf.
Now I don’t tell you all this to discourage you…
I’m telling you this to let you know it’s not your fault…
And that there is a solution.
Forget everything you’ve
ever learned about your golf swing
You see, the answer comes down to one element most people know, yet don’t follow…
Which means breaking down every technicality into the most important elements of the swing.
The ones when you get them right…
Your mastery of the single plane swing easily skyrockets to quicker results.
And after personally teaching over 2,000 students, I KNOW what gets the fastest results for guys.
Which is why I’ve decided to focus on decluttering all the swing thoughts you may have and replacing them with a more simplified process…
One that doesn’t require reading pages of commentary or extensive video lessons…
And places the most game-changing benefits of Moe’s legendary swing into a four-step process.
A process I call:
The “P.A.T.H.” to Single Plane Mastery.
This simple method I’ve designed helps you perfect the four most important components in your initial setup…
And become the ball striking phenom the single plane swing has the ability to create for you.
Simply put, it’s the cheat sheet that prevents you from hitting hook lefts or fade right’s BEFORE making impact with the ball…
While feeling your confidence in a smoother, painless, and straighter drive dramatically increase each time.
But what is the P.A.T.H. Method exactly?
Well for starters, it’s important to know that your fast-track to Single Plane Success lies in your proper setup and correct position at impact…
Because if you’re not setting up to the ball properly and your hands aren’t at the right place relative to your club head at impact…
You won’t gain much ground at all.
But here’s the kicker, your setup and position at impact are really easy to master… IF you have a simplified process to follow.
This is what the P.A.T.H. method does for you…
And it stands for:
- P: Proper Grip Positioning
- A: Advanced Alignment
- T: Tight Trail Hand Tension
- H: Hinged Power
Here’s a quick video of me explaining a few elements of the P.A.T.H Method below:
So you see, It all comes down to these simple four steps…
And with this method, the Single Plane Swing has never been easier to learn than now…
But before you get overwhelmed thinking you’ll have to piece this information together...
Here’s where things get even easier for you…
“Simplification” Simplified
Earlier I told you I’d reveal the “real” secret to adopting and mastering the Single Plane Swing faster than you’ve ever thought possible…
Without going through to dozens of steps to follow and tedious fundamental techniques...
So I’ve decided to do something never done before…
While going a step further to make it even easier for you to implement.
After months of developing, refining, and perfecting…
I’ve taken the P.A.T.H. method and molded it around one single tool…
“Introducing the P.A.T.H to Single Plane Mastery
with “The Feeling of Greatness Training Club”

A first of it’s kind fundamental breakthrough that allows you to download Moe Norman’s legendary address position to achieve the perfect drive off the tee without extra tension on the joints.
However, not only does this club guarantee to help you obtain the proper setup before impact…
It’s a lot more than a club with a custom-formed, molding of Moe’s grip and address…
When we dive deep into the mechanics of the club…
You’ll realize it simply does all of the hard work for you while implementing the P.A.T.H. method…
For example, check out the grip where it literally shows you exactly where the proper grip positioning where the lead hand should be…
With a detailed oval directing your lead hand thumb to rest on for an effective hold on the handle...

Then look at the image below and note the red section below the grip:

This is where the answer to your “Advanced Alignment” comes to play.
This is your key to getting the perfect distance from the ball for your Single Plane Swing – EVERY TIME.
You just lay the club down and it tells you exactly where your toes should be…
And finally look at the divot positioning it gives you to put your trail hand thumb for a balanced and powerful hinged follow through for maximum distance off the tee...

Once you take a hold of this training club…
There will be no more asking yourself “Does this feel right” when you set up to swing…
Plus this club is made to hit full-swing balls and then be swapped out with your standard clubs to match feel and real.
And with 12 swings of with this club made from the P.A.T.H method…
You’ll become a ball striking phenom quicker than you’ve ever thought possible without hours of technical work, wasted money on range time, and painful tension in your joints and back.
It really is a crucial piece to getting confidence and consistency in Your Single Plane Swing…
I mean think about it…
When looking to improve your performance on the front and back nine…
Would you rather be putting your confidence in a $500 Driver with hyped up promises of more lag and distance without helping you fix your initial address…
Or would you rather have a club developed to “Copy” Moe Norman’s Single Plane Swing…
And “Paste” it into your address helping you adopt a simpler yet more powerful ball striking swing?
I know which one I would choose…
And I know which one the 12,736 senior level golfers who are watching their handicaps drop overnight have ALREADY chosen.
What People Are Saying About The Single Plane Swing
““I was ready to quit golf. This swing lowered my score 5-6 shots a round, plus my wife is able to go golfing with me without ever being in pain.””
Bob S.
“I started with a traditional swing and worked really hard at it but it wasn’t fun. Right after I learned how to implement the swing, I shot a 73 the very next day. I felt so good I was in seventh heaven."
Rick H.
“I had multiple surgeries and traditional golf was harder to do. Once I learned this swing, I immediately saw 7-10 strokes melt off my game."
Jim A.
“My husband is an 85 year old hacker (20 handicap) who has been coming over the top and slicing the ball for many years. Now, while implementing the Moe Norman golf swing he is no longer slicing the ball, and he says that he hits his irons and fairway woods farther and straighter - not to mention a gain of 25-30 yards on his drives."
Susan J.
Watch my Student Dale Transform
His Swing in only 7 minutes with the “Feeling of Greatness Training Club”
As you can see, the “Feeling of Greatness” training club is the simpler answer to adopting the single plane swing…
While significantly cutting the learning curve in half.
Meaning with only a few swings you’ll be more in tune with how the single plane motion should feel off the tee.
In fact, here’s a more detailed breakdown of all the additional benefits you’ll immediately notice once you get ahold of this training club:
Now obviously like I’ve said before…
This is the One Tool That Takes Out
All the Thinking For You
I could easily make this available for hundreds of dollars… like most training aids out there.
In fact, this particular club retails at about $299…
But because I’ve seen so many golfers lose themselves from too much information and not enough simplification…
I don’t want price to get in the way in helping you work towards enjoying the game again…
While significantly improving your performance with more distance, precision accuracy, and far less pain.
That’s why I’ve decided to make the price of the club the best part about it and make this available at 67% off the retail price!
Meaning you can claim the “The Feeling of Greatness Training Club” for only a one time payment of $97!
To explain the value of this…
Keep in mind that $97 is significantly less than:
- 1One Private 1-on-1 lesson with someone who teaches the very basic fundamentals of a swing (Not including any form of the Single Plane Swing).
- 2A couple dozen “state of the art” premium golf balls that will do you no good without a properly effective swing.
- 3And an overly hyped NASA engineered driver which doesn’t even come close to fulfilling the promises that the “PGA Spokesperson” said it would do.
Once you look in the direction of that perspective…
You’ll understand how special of an opportunity this is.
All you have to do to claim your very own “Feeling of Greatness Club” today is click the button below and you’ll be directed to a secured checkout page to complete your order...
This Is A $139 Club I’m Offering To YOU For...
ONLY $97

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment
Again, this is a serious bargain compared to what I would normally charge for a club like this...
But to let you know I’m on your side, I want to sweeten the deal for you...
“The Feeling of Greatness” Ironclad
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
Look, when I’m fully confident in something…
I go all in.
That’s why I’m willing to take all the risk off your shoulders when trying out this training club to master the single plane swing quicker than ever before.
So here’s the deal…
I’m willing to send you your very own “Feeling of Greatness” training club right to your front step and if it doesn’t deliver on EVERY promise I’ve made to you today…
Including helping you launch the ball farther, drive the ball straighter, and eliminate the pain in your back and joints while swinging…
Simply send it back and I’ll personally give you a full refund.
Like I said, not only can I make this promise to you because I know for a fact it does what I’m claiming it does…
But I’ve seen it make a tremendous impact on over 12,000 of my single plane students already.
So again, I’ll give you 60 days to see how much it improves your game…
And if you don’t absolutely love it and think it’s the best training club you’ve ever practiced with…
Just send it back for a full refund.
No questions asked.
Fair Warning: We only have a small limited supply
of“Feeling of Greatness Clubs” available today…
Right now, we only have an inventory of 100 of these training clubs that model the “P.A.T.H. Method” to Moe Norman’s legendary address…
And once they are gone…
We’ll have no choice but to raise the price back up to $299 to keep up with the demand.
So when you consider the combination of our Ironclad 60-Day zero risk money back guarantee, the significant price discount, and the immediate impact you’ll notice in your swing…
It’s easy to see this is a no-brainer investment in your performance.
But like I’ve mentioned, once we sell out of our current inventory…
We’ll have no choice but to raise the price to keep up with demand.
So by claiming your “Feeling of Greatness Club” today, you’ll be saving over $200 off your purchase.
Now at this point, I’ve done all I can do to help you make your decision and prove its power to you…
So the way I see it is…
You have Two Choices...
Option #1
You can blow off everything I’ve shown you today and continue struggling to stay consistent off the tee while contemplating whether or not you really enjoy playing the game when frustrated…
Option #2
You can get your hands on “The Feeling of Greatness” club and let it do all of the hard work for you to master the single plane swing in a fraction of time.
Once you place your hands on the club and follow the alignment it directs you to take…
You’ll instantly feel the difference and the impact it could reveal in your golf game…
All while trying it at ZERO risk to you!
But the clock is ticking.
These clubs are on a first come first serve basis...
And it’s only a matter of time before all 100 of these clubs are snatched up leaving those who hesitated out of luck.
So why not take a chance and invest in your game by claiming “The Feeling of Greatness” club at 67% off the regular price today?
All you have to do is click the button below to complete your order and we’ll send it out to your doorstep within the next 4-7 business days.
You may never see the price this low ever again…
So get yours today and work towards mastering the single plane swing faster than ever before!

YES TODD! I want to take action NOW and grab this special deal now...

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What is it and How does it work?
Q: Do you ship internationally?
Q: Will using “The Feeling of Greatness Training Club” really improve my game?
Q: There are alot of training aids out there… Why is the “Feeling of Greatness” training club different?
P.S.: Remember, we have a very limited supply of these clubs due to the international shipping crisis so we expect these to sell out FAST. If you're ready to start experiencing Moe's "Feeling of Greatness" then don't let this opportunity pass you by!
Copyright - Graves Golf