ATTENTION GOLFERS OVER 50:    Is This the Easiest Golf Swing EVER?

“Give Me 35 Minutes, and I’ll Hand You The Most Brain-Dead Simple Golf Swing EVER… So You Can Say Goodbye to Frustration For Good!”

From one of the strangest, and most controversial chapters of Golf’s history book comes the ultimate answer to practically any problem plaguing your game!
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Learn the swing secrets of the greatest ball-striker who ever lived…for less than a price of a golf ball pack!

With your new Single Plane Swing just imagine…

  • Teeing up your ball so you consistently hit fairways with the accuracy of a Swiss watch
  • Controlling where your ball is going to land… and at what speed
  • Being able to fade at will – no matter what the fairway conditions are
  • Reducing stress on your back, elbows and body

The Single Plane Swing is simply the easiest, most consistent way to swing a golf club….

Unlike the conventional swing, which has many moving parts that travel over several swing planes, the Single Plane Swing is just that—ONE basic movement on a single plane, from start to finish—making it much simpler to achieve center-face contact and hit laser-straight shots on a more consistent basis.

The Single Plane Swing was developed in part by Moe Norman, one of the greatest ball strikers to ever play the game. Moe’s ball flight was so amazingly straight and true, he’d hit shot after shot for hours with the same club during exhibitions and all the balls would settle within 15 or 20 feet of each other.

If you still can’t accept this as the “best” way to swing a club (and the only way, as far as we’re concerned) then think of it as…

An Alternative To The Usual Insanity

Consider this an alternative, if you’d like.

An alternative for golfers whose game is not getting any better, no matter how hard they work on the conventional swing. An alternative for guys who just want to play better golf, and really couldn’t care less what the Pros are doing on the tour.

If what you’ve learned in the past just isn’t working for you, then common sense says it’s time for something different. (Remember what I said earlier about the definition of insanity?)

And probably the one thing I hear from students, more than anything else, is how this swing just … makes … sense!

Of course, what we hear more than anything else from the detractors, the cynics, and the skeptics is: “If this swing is so good, then how come all the Tour players aren’t using it?”

Good question!

And the main reason is:

They simply don’t see The One Mistake as a mistake, at all – to them, it’s an integral part of a “proper” swing. And because of this nearly universal misconception – perpetuated by instructor after instructor, down through the years – they simply cannot accept anything so “revolutionary” as the Single Plane Swing.

And yet things are changing … slowly.

Because there are a number of golfers who do come pretty close. They adopt this or that element of Moe’s swing … but unfortunately that’s where they stop. They just can’t bring themselves to committing “whole hog” to it. (I’d say 12-time PGA Tour winner Steve Stricker probably comes closest to our method.)

For the most part though, they just don’t recognize any need to change – to do anything other than what they’re used to, what everyone else is doing.


If The Fairways Were Only 10 Yards Wide…

Whenever Moe was asked why more people on the Tour weren’t using his swing, he’d reply: “If the fairways were 10 yards wide, everybody would swing like me!”

Yes, if there was nothing but fairway and OB (out-of-bounds), then Tour players would have to swing more like Moe. He was all about accuracy, and there’s just no better way to maximize your accuracy on the course than using the Single Plane Swing!

Moe called his golf swing The Feeling of Greatness, and said: “I’m what’s missing in golf.” (Moe didn’t call it the Single Plane Swing – that’s a name I coined, to better describe what makes it so different, so much better.)

But regardless of any of that … as I see it, the question comes down to this:

If you’re not golfing the way you want to be … if your current swing isn’t producing the changes you crave in your game…

Then who really gives a rat’s fanny what the Pros are doing on Tour? You do NOT need the permission of any Tour Pro before trying something new. It’s up to you to take responsibility for your swing, and do whatever it takes to achieve the kind of game you’ll always dreamt of!

The ONLY Officially-Recognized Source For Moe’s Swing

We believe there’s only one way to teach this swing: By modeling Moe Norman exactly!

It never fails to amaze me how some instructors will change key factors of Moe’s swing … and then claim their teaching the single plane. I’ll tell you this: When any one of them becomes a better ball striker than Moe Norman, then I can believe they’ve found a better way to swing a club. And not before!

The reason we’re the only officially authorized source for learning Moe Norman’s swing is simple: It’s because I spent 11 years learning it directly from Moe himself.

At Graves Golf, we teach you the Single Plane Swing in its purest form – true to Moe Norman, who developed it and mastered it.

Other golf methods may claim to be the single plane swing … but they’re not. Don’t be fooled!

Until recently though, learning this swing from me and Tim was rather expensive.

Your choice was to either attend one of our golf camps (the fees for which start at $500 a day) … or hire me to personally coach you at $250 an hour! (If I was even available – my schedule gets booked solid months ahead. And that’s how I like to keep it.)

So I came up with a way for golfers who can’t attend a golf camp… or… who can’t hire me personally… to learn Moe’s single plane swing at home, in comfort, at their own pace.

Introducing The Single Plane “Quickstart” Training Course

1-Day Only Deal!

Only $47 … $7

Click Here To Grab Your New Swing Today

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More Distance, More Control, and Less Pain in Only 35 Minutes…

That’s right—with the Single Plane Swing Quickstart Program, you can turn your painfully horrid golf game into a force to be reckoned with, with more distance, more accuracy, more consistency, and less back pain than you ever dreamed possible. And it can all happen in a little over a half an hour from right now.

The Single Plane Quickstart program is sort of a Cliff’s Notes version of my bigger, more detailed teaching system, plucking the main essence of the Single Plane Swing and handing it to you in simple, no-frills manner that can have you playing better golf and shooting lower scores as soon as your next time out.

Inside, I’ll cover every aspect of the Single Plane Swing,
including …

  • The fastest known way (proven by science) to drop your scores and hit the ball as straight as you can point.
  • 3 crucial swing elements poor strikers mess up… which… cause chronic slicing and hooking. (And how to fine tune these swing elements so you launch accurate strikes… every time!)
  • How to generate maximum clubhead speed… and… pound the stuffing out of the ball on every tee shot guaranteed! (Hint: 75% of speed is created at the top of the swing by just two leverage points.)
  • Why so many golfers suffer from back pain… and… the cure you’ll never read about in the golf magazines. (Watch any golfer out there who is not single plane trained [including all the pros] and you’ll see them making this back-wrenching mistake swing after swing. No wonder so many golfers wreck their bodies.)
  • Want to fix an awful slice, horrid hook or any other golf problem? Well, it may never happen… unless… you focus on the one thing most golfers overlook. 
  • Why trying to break bad golf habits is a total waste of time… and… how to overcome ingrained tendencies playing havoc with your game now… while turning them into enormous advantages when you play. 
  • The biggest problem with conventional swings that will: (1) sap the natural power you possess… (2) force your shots to spray into the rough, out of bounds or in the nearest dreaded hazard… and… (3) tear your body to shreds in the long run.
  • Four fundamentals of a sweet single plane swing… and… the correct way to practice them. (You’ll discover the secret of how to “practice with purpose” and improve your game faster than you ever imagined possible.) 
  • How to train your grip so you stop “milking the club” in the middle of a swing! 
  • The #1 WORST mistake you can make with your wrist when swinging a golf club. (Even if you do everything else “right”, your game will fall apart if you make this common mistake nobody likes talking about.)
  • The single best place to “load” all your power and “torque” in your golf swing. (Hint: It is NOT your back!)
  • And much, much more

This Course Has Easy-To-Follow Video Instruction…

Armed with the Single Plane Swing, you’ll finally have the golf game you’ve always wanted…the kind where you outdrive your pals with longer and straighter drives, hit those high, sailing approach shots like you see on TV, and collect more winnings on the 19th hole.

Right now, during this special promotion, you can get my Quickstart program delivered instantly to your computer in digital format…

For Just $7

That’s right—for about what you’d pay for a decent glove (which you would pick up in the Pro Shop without even thinking about it), you can have everything you need to virtually turn your golf game into a force to be reckoned with—without the nagging aches and pains–and finally start enjoying the game again.

Why such a low price? Because I wanted to make sure the Single Plane Swing method could be available to anyone, and not just those who were in a better financial situation than others. This information is simply too important to keep hidden inside a high-priced product—especially if you’re a beginner—and those who put these easy to learn swing principles into action immediately will see the fastest results.

So I’m giving it away at the lowest possible price that I can, making sure everyone has a chance to play better golf and shoot lower scores using the Single Plane Swing. Besides, anyone who is not serious enough about improving their game to invest the same few bucks you’d drop at a fast food joint …well, they’re the ones that will most likely keep struggling.

So you ready to get started? Because this special offer won’t last long, and I’ll be raising the price on this video training very soon. I simply can’t let it go for this low and expect to stay in business.

SPECIAL 1-Day OFFER: Grab The Entire
“Quickstart” Series
For Only $47 … $7

Yes, I Want The Swing Of My Dreams!
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See What Other Golfers Just Like You Have To Say About The Single Plane Golf Swing Of Moe Norman…